- Prescriptions
- eConsult
- Appointments
Welcome at GP Practice Boshuizen
Praktijk Boshuizen is a general healthcare practice, open for International & Dutch Students and Expats.
Our staff speaks English, French and German and have serveral years of experience in working with patients from all over the world. We know that health is dealt with in different ways in different cultures. We realize that you may have a different healthcare system in your country and that you may need to get used to the Dutch approach. We will do our utmost to clarify it.
We are also well acquainted with studentlife and the problems that may arise.
Depending on the type of health issues, you can get inhouse care from our general practitioners, psychologist, physician assistant and doctor’s assistant. Of course, there is always the possibility of referal to other healthcare providers (fysiotherapist, specialist in hospital, etc). In The Netherlands, referral to a specialist is only possible after consultation with a GP.
Due to a large growth in recent times, we can register patients living in Leiden with posstal code 2321 and 2324.
When you leave Leiden, would you be so kind to deregister with us? This can be done by sending an email to assistente@praktijkboshuizen.nl.
Business hours
Mondays – Fridays: 8:00 – 17:00 (Wednesday-afternoon closed 12:00 – 17:00).
Evening hours: Wednesday 18:30-20:30.
Consultation is always by appointment.
Phone: +31 (0)71-5310047 menu: 1 = emergency, 2 = prescription refills, 3 = assistent.
Out of office hours 088-4274700 Huisartsenpost De Limes
Aaltje Noordewierlaan 58, 2324KT Leiden
Go to Google Maps
Bus line 5.
If insured with a regular Dutch insurance: consultation is coverd.
If insured with AON or EHIC-card (EU-countries): consultation is free. Bring your health card every time you vitis a healthcare professional!
If insured elsewhere or not insured: you will have to pay for each consultation (PIN/debt card/Cash).
Medical info
Gpinfo.nl provides you with medical info on several issues. It is a website from the Dutch College of General Practitioners. Please have a look, as it sometimes can answer your questions immediately.
Online Services
Due to a transition to a new digital patient portal, you cannot register for our online services at this moment. We expect this to be reactivated in October 2023
After being registered, you can request for a web account. With this web account you can use our online services in this App: uw Zorg online https://uwzorgonline.nl/
schedule an appointment with GP or psychologist.
have an eConsult with a doctor or psychologist.
request a prescription refill.
Small Complaints/ FAQ
The following simple health problems and questions are often self limiting and do not require a doctor.
Sometimes only advice or a prescription online is possible.
What’s the price of a GP consultation in 2023?
These are the official national rates, ordered by NZA:
Consultation (at practice/phone/email) < 5 minutes: € 16,92 (2024: € 17,96)
Consultation (at practice/phone/email) 5 -19 minutes: € 33,84 (2024: € 35,91)
Consultation (at practice/phone/email) ≥ 20 minutes: € 67,68 (2024: € 71,83
Visit: € 50,76 (2024: € 53,887)
Visit ≥ 20 minutes: € 84,60 (2024: € 89,78)
Injection/vaccination: € 16,92 (2024: € 17,96)
For AON and EHIC insurance, the GP consultation fee is sent directly to your insurance.
Note: Laboratory test and X-rays/ultrasound/scans are not included in the GP fee and will be charged by the lab/clinic, depending on your insurance.
Cancellation of an appointment
If you want to cancel an appointment, please contact our assistant by mail or phone 071-5310047 choose 3.
Cancellation within 24 hours of the appointment will be charged.
How much time do I need to schedule?
- For a normal complaint, 10 minutes are sufficient.
- For an additional complaint, 10 minutes extra is needed.